Several Islanders to be recognised at FHBC Awards
This year’s Field Hockey BC Volunteer Recognition and Awards Dinner will take place on Friday 2nd November. The Awards Dinner recognizes athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers in who play a major role in Field Hockey across British Columbia.
Vancouver Island had a number of winners that will be awarded on Friday. Field Hockey Victoria would like to congratulate the following recipients of the 2012 FHBC awards:
Junior Female Player of the Year (Under 15)
Chelsey Cleemoff (Cowichan Flickers)
Women’s Umpire of the Year*
Denise McGeachy
Men’s Umpire of the Year
Chris Wilson
Women’s Coach of the Year
Ali Lee
Regional Program Support – Volunteer Recognition Award
Brenda Lockhart (Cowichan FHC)
FHBC Community Club Awards
Ronnie Lee (Sailors FHC)
Brenda Lockhart (Cowichan FHC)
A full list of award winners can be viewed here: